Story of a Jinn
The well-known scholar Khateeb has
stated on the authority of Hadhrat Jabir bin Abdullah who stated: "Once,
we were travelling with the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet was sitting
under a tree for taking rest. All of a sudden, there came a snake near
him, took his mouth near the hole of his ear. After sometime, the
Prophet took his mouth near its ear and said something. On that, the
snake vanished in such a way as if the earth had swallowed it. We
submitted to the Prophet that we were very much frightened when you let
it reach near your ear. The Prophet told that it was an animal and in
fact, it was a jinn who had forgotten a few verses of such and such
Surah and the jinns had sent it to inquire about the same verses.
Because of your presence, he came changing its form to that of a snake
and inquired about the verses accordingly." Source: from the book "The
Miracles of the Prophet" by Ahmed Saeed.
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