He Cannot Catch Up
Ubaidullah bin Umar Qawariri said," I
never missed the evening congregational prayer (prayer with Jamath). But
once a guest came to my house and I remained in his company until late.
I went out, looking for any mosque in Basra at which I could catch the
evening prayer, but to no avail. The people had all prayed and gone
home. I returned to my house,saying to myself,'It is reported in
tradition that congregational prayer is twenty-seven times more
excellent than individual prayer.' So I prayed the evening prayer
twenty-seven times over and slept. I saw in a dream that I was with a
group of people who were racing on horses, and I was also racing with
them on my horse but my horse was falling behind. I kicked my horse to
catch up with them but I could not. One of the riders turned to me and
said,"Do not urge your horse, for you will not be able to catch up with
us." I said,"Why not?" He replied,"We prayed evening in congregation and
you prayed it alone!" Therefore, I learned a lesson and was deeply
Source: The Major Sins Al-Kaba'r By Muhammad bin 'Uthman Adh-Dhahabi, rendered into English by Mohammad Moinuddin Siddiqui.
Source: The Major Sins Al-Kaba'r By Muhammad bin 'Uthman Adh-Dhahabi, rendered into English by Mohammad Moinuddin Siddiqui.
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