
Friday, August 29, 2014

Death of a Friend

Death of a Friend

Ferdows Ahmed was one of our close friends who died last week on this day (Sunday June 29, 2003) at the age of 35. He recently got married and had one son. Even just a few days ago, he was playing with his little son in front of us. One day he approached us and said that someone asks him strange questions from the unseen. We wanted to know what type of questions he hear but he only mentioned one of them which is "Who is your God?" Soon after, he started offering his salah regularly and participated in various Islamic events. Then came the day when he is to breath his last. He came home from work at around 5 p.m. and told his family that he wasn't feeling good. He ate some food and went to the washroom. There he vomitted but made wudhu to perform salah. As he approached his bedroom, the angel of death came and took his life. He fell on the ground lifeless. Everyone was in utter shock after hearing about his demise. No one knew that he would die at this early age. As we were washing his dead body, we realized how short this life could be. His doctor told him even few days before that he had no disease. However, death doesn't rely upon any disease or accident. It depends on the command of Allah. Anytime it could come and take our lives. My friends, take warning from this incident and prepare for death before it comes.

Please remember to pray for his forgiveness.


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